10 Ideas For Making Brushing and Flossing Fun For Your Kids

10 Ideas For Making Brushing and Flossing Fun For Your Kids

Convincing kids to brush and floss can be a real struggle for parents. But starting good oral habits early is necessary for healthy teeth as they grow up. The pediatric dentists at My Kidz Dentist in Phoenix, Arizona, offer the following clever tricks to make tooth care more fun for your little ones.

Here are 10 creative ways to make brushing and flossing fun for your kids.

1. Let them choose their toothbrush

Children love being in control. Take the kids to the store and let them pick out their own toothbrush. They'll be more excited to use it when they choose one with their favorite cartoon character or color. You could even get more than one and surprise them with different toothbrushes on various days of the week.

2. Create a brushing playlist

Slap together a quick playlist of their favorite songs that last at least two minutes. The kids won’t realize they’ve been brushing for two minutes if they’re busy jamming out to their favorite tunes! The right song can turn brushing into a mini dance party.

3. Use a tooth-brushing app

Technology could help encourage your children to take care of their teeth. Check out the many kid-friendly apps that turn oral care into a game. Some have cute characters that guide kids through their brushing and flossing routine. When it feels like playtime, kids are way more likely to cooperate.

4. Turn it into a family activity

Children often mimic what they see.  If you typically brush and floss your own teeth after the kids have gone to bed, they aren’t getting to see you take care of your oral health needs. Try brushing and flossing together as a family; they’ll be more likely to follow your lead. Make it a nightly ritual in which everyone gathers in the bathroom to brush their teeth together.

5. Use reward charts

Design a simple chart on which kiddos earn stickers for brushing and flossing.  It may sound like an outdated activity, but kids love little stickers! After racking up enough stickers, they can pick a small prize like a new toy or extra screen time. 

A little positive reinforcement goes a long way and before you know it, they're begging to brush just to fill up their chart.

6. Tell a story

Make brushing and flossing part of an adventure! You can tell a story that features your child as a hero fighting off the “sugar bugs” that cause cavities. Giving them a sense of purpose during brushing can make the task more exciting. As they get older, you can work in some real dental facts to teach them why oral care matters.

7. Introduce fun toothpaste flavors

Adult toothpaste can seem too “spicy” for children. Let your child sample different kid-friendly toothpaste flavors, such as bubble gum or fruit varieties. 

Finding a flavor they enjoy can significantly reduce resistance to brushing. You can help keep it interesting by using different flavors every few days or giving your child a choice between two flavors every night.

8. Play pretend dentist

Children often love role-playing games, so why not encourage them to play dentist at home? Give your kids a toy hand mirror and show them how to inspect and count their teeth, just like their dentist does at check-ups. Have your children explain what they see, and you can guide them on how to "clean" away plaque with their toothbrush and floss. 

As a bonus, playing pretend dentist at home can help reduce dental anxiety when it’s time for your little ones to visit our office.

9. Make brushing a game

Turn brushing and flossing into a friendly competition or game. You can challenge your child to see how well they can clean their teeth using a timer. Set it for two minutes, and encourage them to brush thoroughly until the timer goes off. 

For flossing, you can create a challenge where they "capture" any hidden food particles between their teeth. These small competitions or games keep them engaged and focused, making the habit less of a chore.

10. Celebrate milestones

Every small achievement deserves celebration! Whether flossing for the first time or completing a whole week of brushing twice daily, it's important to acknowledge their effort. Celebrating milestones boosts their confidence and encourages them to stick to the habit. 

You could give small rewards such as an extra bedtime story or a special outing when they reach specific goals, making oral hygiene feel like a personal accomplishment. 

When your child sees the joy in their success, they'll start associating brushing and flossing with positivity and pride. Remember, the key is to make brushing and flossing enjoyable so they’ll want to keep it up. These habits will set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles!

Call our office, or book an appointment online today for a checkup or cleaning.

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